Wednesday, April 22, 2009

hello crisis

The economic downturn says hello 2 me and my family. considered it as a hurdle for me to succceed in my future plan... i don't blame Canada for this, but i blame the capitalist order that being used here in Malaysia...
If Islam is the nation religion, why must we adapt and use the western civilisation instead. why are we so lazy to build our own civilisation, by right, it is wrong to called Malaysia as an islamic country, since the law and the systems itself doesn't really comply with Islam as a whole.

What if we are a communist country? take a look at the stubborn side of korean,during the crisis they still managed to launched their so called communication satelite. But here we are fighting about the bulls for hari raya..bullshit.

Is this what they did in order to get the independence of the country? being stupid and agreeing on western civilisation needs. Generosity of the third world country, do we have to blame the culture itself which has never change for the past 150years.
Malaysian is not elligible to be called as an independent country...

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