Thursday, June 25, 2009

let me

damn...that's love..damn...

I could but i shouldn't...
I do but i woudn't...

damn that's love...

i couldn't stay,juz let me fly
i wouldn't let myself hurting you, let me fly
i dont want to cherish this feelings when im with you,let me fly

sorry babe im flying without you,cuz im deeply in love with you...
im sure you didn't realized that it's you all this while making me smile... :(


Mahadewaratna_Sari said...

gimme gimme, gimme gimme.. mooorr gimme mooor. ~ britney spears

mike-L said...


l t t l g j h ; said...

suka this one lah koq. (:

mike-L said...

tp koq..aku xsuke dat one in this one

l t t l g j h ; said...

whats that suppose to mean? aku suka lah benda2 sedih. hahaha

mike-L said...

ouhh.aku suke sikap aku yg denial towards love..aku suka dpt terbang dr duduk dlm sangkar..